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Youth Policy Review - Europe and Central Asia
Published on
February 13, 2013
The different United Nations agencies should respond supportively but differentially within a common United Nations programme to the needs of young people at national level, as these relate to the core mandates of those agencies. UN agency programming, including that of UNFPA, should, therefore, facilitate the development and implementation of population, social and family policies, which take into account young people in all their diversity. In a discussion paper, the UNFPA Country Technical Services Team for Europe and Central Asia in Bratislava, Slovakia, (henceforth, CST Bratislava), observed that the prime strategic goal of UNFPA in relation to young people is the “Attainment of the highest standard of health, development and equality, free of discrimination, coercion and violence for all young people in Europe and Central Asia ...” In practise, for UNFPA this means making complementary youth friendly interventions in specific and local contexts that - seek to reduce poverty - provide health care and preventative education on health related risks, specifically in relation to sexuality and reproduction - support comprehensive sexuality education through a variety of formal and non-formal methodologies - help prevent gender based violence and other obstacles to gender equality and women’s empowerment - and enhance youth participation through the process.
Christopher Grollman, Ditta Dolejsiova, Ditta Dolejsiová, Yael Ohana
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