Youth-Policy.Com - Better Policy, Healthier Youth - One Year Evaluation Report

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Abstract recently passed its one-year anniversary as an online resource on youth reproductive health (YRH) policy. This evaluation attempts to gauge the success of the site in achieving its objectives. It combines a quantitative analysis based on web statistics with qualitative, anecdotal information on who is using the site and for what reasons. The team from the POLICY Project and YouthNet carried out the evaluation. Evaluation results will help to measure the site’s impact on YRH policy and feed into site upgrades and improvements. Launched in June 2004, the website uniquely meets the needs of developing country policymakers for accurate, comprehensive, and timely information on youth reproductive health (YRH) policy. The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) funds the website as a joint effort of the POLICY Project and YouthNet.


Doug Willier

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