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Youth in an Age of Uncertainty and Turmoil
Published on
July 2, 2013
We are now in the midst of the worst economical and social crisis since the Great Depression. Moreover, an unprecedented generational shift is taking place in workplaces across the globe, when millions of boomers are retiring and companies are facing the challenge of both attracting young employees and dealing with the generational knowledge transfer. On top of all that, a major technological revolution is happening, when communication patterns change as we move our digital lives from computers to smartphones and tablets. We are moving into a truly mobile world, predicted a decade ago, but happening as we talk. How will all these enormous changes affect young people’s views of their future? What are their fears and aspirations? And how will young people’s actions today impact the future trajectories? To understand that, Kairos Future is now starting a second Global Youth project focusing on the challenges young people are facing in today’s turbulent times. In this article we provide a brief background research on three themes that will be covered in the project: - Young in an age of social unrest - Growing up digital: Young in an age of technology and transparency - Thought economy, new work life and knowledge work automation
Cristina Lázaro Morales, Ulf Boman, Vincent Daccache
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