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Towards a Youth Employment Strategy for South Africa
Published on
February 22, 2013
In response to the high and growing rate of youth unemployment in South Africa, the DBSA initiated a project in September 2010 to develop a high-level youth employment strategy. The purpose of the study was to review current government programmes for promoting youth employment, in order to identify programmatic measures that will absorb a far greater number of young people into the labour market and allow them to engage in more income-generating activities than is currently the case. In order to provide a comprehensive analysis the following individual papers were developed: 1. A demographic profile of young people in South Africa in 2010, to enable a deeper and more textured understanding of who the unemployed youth are, where they are located and what their level of educational attainment is; 2. Barriers to education faced by young people in equipping them with the skills needed to enter the labour market; 3. Current programmes, institutions and activities implemented by the government to create employment for young people; 4. An international review of government interventions that support young people in finding employment; and 5. Current gaps and misalignments in South Africa’s public strategy for providing employment for young people.
Carmel Maroc, Colleen Hughes, Matthew Nell, Peliwe Lolwana, Penny Foley, Rachel Manxeba, Saguna Gordhan
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