The EU Youth Report 2012 and Documents

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The EU Youth Report 2012 summarises the results of the first work cycle of the EU Youth Strategy (2010-2012) and proposes priorities for the next three years. It presents new and revealing statistics on how the situation of young people in the European Union has been affected by the financial crisis. According to the EU Youth Report, nearly all Member States report that the EU Youth Strategy has reinforced existing priorities at national level since it was launched in January 2010. This includes focusing on education, employment and entrepreneurship opportunities for young people, promoting social inclusion and health and providing young people with opportunities to take active part in society. The EU Youth Report proposes new priorities for the coming three years. The report highlights that youth employment will remain high on the EU agenda. For the coming years, the Strategy should focus more on the consequences of the current crisis on young people. This means more emphasis on social inclusion and health & well-being. The EU Youth Report is a Joint Report of the Commission and the Council. This means that after the Communication is adopted by the Commission, it is submitted to the Council for deliberations among Member States before the EU Youth Report is finally adopted by the Council. The Communication on the EU Youth Report is accompanied by two Staff Working Documents (SWDs): one summarises the implementation of the EU Youth Strategy at national and EU level 2010-2012 and one presents a comprehensive analysis on the situation of young people in the EU. All Member States have submitted national reports which feed into both the Communication and the SWDs. Young people have been consulted in drawing up these reports, and different ministries have contributed. All national reports are posted here. In addition to all EU Member States, candidate countries and EFTA Member States were invited to participate in the reporting exercise on a voluntary basis. Croatia, Montenegro, Norway and Switzerland contributed with National Reports. Here you may find all documents related to Report: Communication on the EU Youth Report; Results of the first cycle of the OMC in the youth field (2010-2012); Status of the situation of young people in the European Union; 2012 Joint Report of the Council and the Commission on the implementation of the renewed framework for European cooperation in the youth field (2010-18); Leaflet EU Youth Report 2012.

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