Taking Participation Seriously - Resources

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Research and resources about participation Taking PARTicipation seriously is a resource for organisations who want practical advice about how to involve children and young people in activities, events and decision-making about issues that affect their lives. The kit is made up of different parts that focus on how you can involve children and young people in different activities or areas of work. Schools, youth centres, youth clubs, welfare agencies, councils, businesses, churches and sporting bodies are just some of the organisations that will find this kit useful. Children and young people helped us develop all sections of the kit, providing their ideas, experiences, feedback and piloting the resources before publication. More info: http://www.kids.nsw.gov.au/kids/resources/participationkit.cfm#ixzz2NzDwKnkS. Publication contains sections on: Section 1: Understanding participation — what the research says Section 2: Models of participation Section 3: Useful websites, books, articles and resources on participation TAKING PARTicipation seriously is a resource for organisations who want practical advice about how to involve children and young people in activities, events and decision-making about issues that affect their lives. The kit is made up of different parts that focus on how you can involve children and young people in different activities or areas of work. Schools, youth centres, youth clubs, welfare agencies, councils, businesses, churches and sporting bodies are just some of the organisations that will find this kit useful. Children and young people helped us develop all sections of the kit, providing their ideas, experiences, feedback and piloting the resources before publication.

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