Structure Dialogue consultations - Methodology and Good Practices

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The Structured Dialogue with young people has become an established process for participatory policy making in the youth field among the 27 EU Member States. It is a space for young people and policy makers to discuss and feed into EU youth policy at national and European level together, as well as a tool to ensure that youth policy meets the needs and expectations of young people across Europe. It takes the form of national consultations at Member State level and EU Youth Conferences at European level. Outcome documents and recommendations from the Structured Dialogue are online here. As part of the Structured Dialogue on Youth, National Working Groups held consultations in all the 27 EU Member States. In two-thirds of the states, consultations were organised at regional and/or local level in addition to national level. Moreover, 5 International Non-Governmental Youth Organisations submitted contributions for this phase of consultations. According to the consultation results, 18.500 young people participated in the overall consultation. This is a considerable increase since the last phase. The number of young people represented in the results of consultations is much higher, reaching up to five million, due to the involvement of numerous representative of youth organisations. This is an overview of the different consultation methods employed by National Working Groups in the second phase of consultations.

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