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Review of Disability Policy and Legislation in the Pacific
Published on
March 20, 2013
This is a review, analysis and discussion of disability legislation, policy and developments in the Pacific Island states that make up the Pacific Islands Forum. It is a discussion of international, regional and Pacific disability mandates. It attempts to identify the stakeholders in disability concerns, at national, regional and international level. It identifies Governments as the stakeholders with primary obligation for upholding the rights of persons with disabilities but concludes that this can only be in full partnership with persons with disabilities and their organizations, and other agencies actively concerned with disability issues. It provides many examples of positive developments and initiatives in the area of disability within the region, and presents a model for the development of national disability policy. The review also presents recommendations for action at national and regional level, and includes Country Profiles in Annex 3.
Graham McKinstry, Penelope Price, Setareki Macanawai
Available languages
English version