Report on the Communication from the Commission to the Council

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By letter of 14 April 2003 the Commission forwarded to Parliament its Communication on the Follow-up to the White Paper on a New Impetus for European Youth - Proposed common objectives for the participation and information of young people, in response to the Council Resolution of 27 June 2002 regarding the framework of European cooperation in the youth field (COM(2003) 184), which had been referred to the Committee on Culture, Youth, Education, the Media and Sport and Committee on Women's Rights and Equal Opportunities for information. At the sitting of 4 September 2003 the President of Parliament announced that the Committee on Culture, Youth, Education, the Media and Sport had been authorised to draw up an own-initiative report on the subject under Rules 47(2) and 163, and the Committee on Women's Rights and Equal Opportunities had been asked for its opinion (C5-0404/2003). The Committee on Culture, Youth, Education, the Media and Sport had appointed Lissy Gröner rapporteur at its meeting of 12 June 2003. The committee considered the draft report at its meetings of 4 November, 26 November, 27 January and 19 February 2004.


Lissy Gröner

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