Productivity and Sustainability of Youth Peer Education Programs - Phase One Report

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Productivity and Sustainability of Youth Peer Education Programs: Phase 1 of a two-phase study on effectiveness This first phase of a two - phase study on the effectiveness of YPE addressed the question: What are the core elements of successful YPE in terms of program productivity and sustainability? Information on program dynamics, costs, activities, and outputs were used to identify core elements of well - established programs and develop YPE assessment devices. The knowledge gained and instruments developed during Phase 1 are being used in a Phase 2 effectiveness study that includes exposure and outcomes measurements of six programs in Zambia. Phase 1 took a descriptive, process evaluation approach to examine four well - established community based programs in Zambia and the Dominican Republic. YPE is a dynamic approach, and actual practice is so diverse that in order to explain programs it was necessary to pay attention to all aspects. A key issue was the retention and turnover of the volunteer peer educators who carry out program activities. The objectives of the Phase 1 study were to: 1) describe program dynamics, costs, activities and outputs in two countries in order to identify the core elements of successful YPE programs; and 2) develop frameworks and indices to assess YPE productivity and sustainability using objective 1 results. Data collection ran continuously for 18 months. This included an examination of each program’s costs, outputs, activities, and dynamics. Program dynamics were examined by assessing the quality of their technical frameworks, the quality of cooperation within and outside the program, and the degree of community participation.


Gary Svenson, Holly Burke

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