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Product Pilot Report: Youth Savings Performance in Ghana, Kenya, and Nepal
Published on
February 20, 2013
YouthSave Research Brief No. 12-38. The YouthSave project is a large-scale effort to investigate the potential of savings accounts as a tool for youth development and financial inclusion in developing countries. The project co-creates tailored, sustainable savings products with local financial institutions and assesses their performance and development outcomes with local researchers. This brief presents findings on account uptake and savings from piloting (July to December 31, 2011) youth savings products in three of the four countries: Ghana, Kenya, and Nepal. The savings product in the fourth country, Colombia, was not pilot tested. These data are intended to provide an early indication of interest and uptake in a few designated branches prior to formal product launch. Based on pilot results, product features may be revised for product launch. Therefore, interpretation of results, comparison to national data, and cross-country comparisons are limited and should be viewed with caution.
Isaac Osei-Akoto, Lissa Johnson, Moses Njenga, Sharad Sharma, YungSoo Lee
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