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Problems and Practical Solutions to Tackle Extremism and Muslim Youth and Community Issues
Published on
April 24, 2013
In this short, incisive, and closely argued paper, the author has opened the way for a wider discussion of an issue of real importance to our national security. In so doing, he has not set out to analyse Muslim communities separately and in detail, but rather to give an overall picture. He identifies the key issues that he believes affect all Muslim communities in the UK to day. In doing so, he succeeds in demonstrating the great theological and ethnic diversity of these communities - something that is not widely recognised or understood. Furthermore, this is not merely an analysis. The author presents us with an assessment of the situation. The author presents us with an an assessment of the situation and puts forward recommendations as a basis for opening a discussion on how to tackle the problem effectively. The scope of the paper has imposed certain limitations on the author. He has concentrated on the London area where his expertise is greatest, and he has addressed mainly Sunni communities. The importance of Muslim communities in other parts of the UK is fully recognised, as is the fact that that recent events have resulted in a rapid growth of Shia communities, which had historically been only a small proportion of the UK’s Muslim population. Future ‘Shrivenham Papers’ will address these issues in greater detail.
Mehmood Naqshbandi
Available languages
English version