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National Youth Agency Commission into the role of Youth Work in Formal Education
Published on
November 6, 2013
Youth workers and teachers have a profound effect on young people’s lives. Whilst most of us would agree with this statement, we may not necessarily talk or hear about the complementary value of both professions in the same sentence. In May 2013 the National Youth Agency announced its intention to conduct an inquiry into the role of youth work within formal education. In particular they wanted to: - Investigate the benefits of schools engaging with youth work agencies - Test the belief that excellent schools actively seek out partnerships with external agencies The inquiry has now been concluded. It consisted of the rigorous gathering of evidence and innovative practice through a number of case studies, group sessions and individual interviews. Although not limited to secondary education, the inquiry was focused on the role of youth work in formal education settings for young people aged 11-16. Evidence-gathering activities were also concentrated, but not confined to England, representations were made from across Great Britain and included it in the findings. The review makes a number of recommendations to national and local policy makers, as well as seeking to highlight practical solutions for the youth sector.
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