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EU Youth Policies - The Transition from the Independent “Youth in Action” to the Integrated “Erasmus for All” Program and its Future Impact on Youth Organizations and their Work
Published on
February 20, 2013
Today at the end of 2011, the EU Youth Policy is finding itself on a very important cross-road, the Union‟s tendency of more than 20 years to have independent European Program tailored exclusively to respond to the needs of young people is close to an end due to the proposal of the EU Commission in which the European Youth Program is integrated into one Education, Training, Youth and Sport Program “Erasmus for All” for the time-period from 2014 till 2020. Having in mind that this thesis will be completed only 20 days after the Commission has published its detailed proposal for the integrated Program on the 23rd of November 2011, the thesis will narrow its focus only on publications, events, reactions and activities that happened till the end of November 2011. The thesis has an aim to contribute in the process of further negotiation for the new education, training, youth and sport “Erasmus for All” that is going to take place in 2012 and 2013 till the final decision is made by the European Parliament and the Council that will officially establish the new Program (2014-2020).
Borko Bamovski
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