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Education for All - Global Monitoring Report 2007 - Strong Foundations - Early Childhood Care and Education
Published on
March 11, 2013
The Education for All Global Monitoring Report is the prime instrument to assess global progress towards achieving the six 'Dakar' EFA goals to which over 160 countries committed themselves in 2000. It tracks progress, identifies effective policy reforms and best practice in all areas relating to EFA, draws attention to emerging challenges and seeks to promote international cooperation in favour of education. The publication is targeted at decision-makers at the national and international level, and more broadly, at all those engaged in promoting the right to quality education - teachers, civil society groups, NGOs, researchers and the international community. Time is running out to meet the EFA goals set in 2000. Despite continued overall global progress at the primary level, including for girls, too many children are not in school, drop out early or do not reach minimal learning standards. By neglecting the connections among early childhood, primary and secondary education and adult literacy, countries are missing opportunities to improve basic education across the board — and, in the process, the prospects of children, youth and adults everywhere. Launched in New York on 26th October 2006, this year's Global Monitoring Report focuses around the theme of Early Childhood Care and Edcuation (ECCE). What are the benefits of programmes for the very young? Why have countries been slow to implement policies that integrate care, health, nutrition and education? Besides taking a closer look at early childhood care and education, the first of six Education for All goals the world is committed to achieving by 2015, the fifth edition of the Report also assesses progress towards the other goals and levels of aid to basic education.
Aaron Benavot, Alison Clayson, Alison Kennedy, Ana Font-Giner, Banday Nzomini, Catherine Ginisty, Cynthia Guttman, Delphine Nsengimana, Elizabeth Heen, Fadila Cailaud, François Leclercq, Isabelle Reullon, Keith Hinchliffe, Michelle J. Neuman, Nicholas Burnett, Nicole Bella, Paula Razquin, Riho Sakurai, Ulrika Peppler Barry, Valerie Djioze, Vittoria Cavicchioni, Yusuf Sayed
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English version