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Compendium of the First Cycle of Structured Dialogue
Published on
March 14, 2013
The Structured Dialogue with young people has become an established process for participatory policy making in the youth field among the 27 EU Member States. It is a space for young people and policy makers to discuss and feed into EU youth policy at national and European level together, as well as a tool to ensure that youth policy meets the needs and expectations of young people across Europe. It takes the form of national consultations at Member State level and EU Youth Conferences at European level. Outcome documents and recommendations from the Structured Dialogue are
online here.
This Compendium is an overview of the results of the
Structured Dialogue
conducted during the period of 1 January 2010-30 June 2011, the Team Presidency of Spain, Belgium and Hungary (this document uses the terms Team Presidency or Trio Presidency for the three countries that chairs the Council according to the rota of trios pre-established in accordance with the Lisbon Treaty). The goal of the Hungarian Presidency is to take stock of the knowledge and experience gathered during the first work cycle of the structured dialogue between young people and decision makers. Besides highlighting some facts, figures and conclusions regarding the process and organisation of the dialogue, we wish to also put an emphasis on the outcomes of the consultations, as they should feed into policy making that concern young people. This document has four main sections, giving an insight into the theoretical and legal background, providing a description on how the structured dialogue was implemented with the involved stakeholders, giving details about the approach of the Presidencies, highlighting the main policy messages and possible initiatives suggested by the outcomes of the dialogue.
Ana Martinez Fernandez, Csilla Szabó, Esther Artal Garcia, Judit Balogh, Laura Hemmati, Lieve Caluwaerts, Zsófia Fekete
Available languages
English version