Arab Youth Issues - Annual Report

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Arab Youth Participation This report is the third of publications related to Arab youth issues which is one of the actvities of the Arab Youth Empowerment project implemented by the League of Arab States/Department of Population Studies and Migration in cooperation with United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). The report aims at revealing the point of view of Arab youth, the questions they raise and the confusion in which they live, to a point that has them shed doubts on some of the issues and practices surrounding them. This confusion is a result of the youth’s awareness of their qualitative reality within the context of their social reality as it interacts with drastic global transformations; the impact of knowledge, information and communication trends which posed challanges and also provided them with an opportunity to new forms of education and to new issues regarding human rights, citizenship, democracy and participation. This document is the Executive Summary of the 2007 Report, it is part of the Series on Population & Development in the Arab Region.

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