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An Introduction and Context for Development of Youth Policy
Published on
July 16, 2013
This guide has been produced to support local government in the development of policy initiatives that impact on young people aged between 12 and 24 years of age. Should the production of a youth policy be contemplated, this guide includes a “To-Do list” and review of key actions that may need to take place, including: - research and data collection - identification of what matters to young people and the community - draft Youth Policy (if required) - council endorsement - implementation - monitoring and review. The guide provides a brief background discussion on youth policy and its value to local government. It will: - help council staff (e.g. within planning, policy, strategy, youth and community services sections) to strengthen the policy process within councils and, in particular, understand the importance of and ways to engage in effective youth participation - assist councillors to identify how they can best ensure youth voices are heard by elected members - be a tool for young people, including youth council members, who wish to explore ways of being heard by their local council.
Available languages
English version