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A Review of Interventions to Support Young Workers: Findings of the Youth Employment Inventory
Published on
April 23, 2014
The Youth Employment Inventory has been compiled to improve the evidence base for making decisions about how to address the problem of youth employment. As policy-makers consider measures to help young people make the transition into the labor market and obtain decent work, they are hampered by a lack of information on what their options are, what works in different situations, and what has been tried and failed. To respond to this situation, the World Bank has compiled a world-wide inventory of the interventions that are designed to integrate young people into the labor market. This Youth Employment Inventory (YEI) is based on available documentation and includes evidence from 289 studies of interventions from 84 countries in all regions of the world. The interventions have been analyzed to (i) document the types of programs that have been implemented to support young workers to find work; and (ii) identify what appears to work in terms of improving employment outcomes for youth. This synthesis report pulls together the information from this inventory and a set of background reports to document the global experience with youth employment programs.
Antoneta Stavreska
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