11 Indicators of a National Youth Policy

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What do we actually mean when we use the term ‘youth policy’? What should be the main elements of a youth policy - whether it is to be developed and implemented at the local, regional or national levels? Are there some common denominators of youth policy - any common indicators - of what a youth policy should include? This document presents 11 indicators for what should be seen as essential elements of a (national) youth policy. '11 Indicators of a (National) Youth Policy' should be perceived as a guiding tool for government officials in the youth field, as well as a lobbying instrument for youth NGOs advocating for a more proactive youth policy. However, it is important to stress that these indicators do not present a blueprint for what a youth policy should be. These are some elements that should be included in a national action plan on youth policy. In addition, each youth policy needs to address the specific realities of young people in its constituency.


Peter Lauritzen

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