San Marino

The National Youth Law (2007) established the Commission for Youth Policies and the National Youth Forum in San Marino. Although the Youth Law’s purpose is to promote the development of “policies aimed at favouring the full and free development of the personality of young people”, there is no information regarding an existing national youth policy.

Published on October 25, 2023
Updated on February 12, 2024

Definition of youth

Whilst San Marino's National Youth Law (2007) refers to youth as people aged 16-32 years, a San Marino statute regarding the National Youth Forum refers to youth as those aged 15-32 years.

Definition 1
16 - 32 years

Source: National Youth Law 2007

Definition 2
15 - 32 years

Source: Youth Forum Statute 2008

Voting Rights

Majority age
18 years
Voting age
18 years
Criminal responsibility
15 years

Candidacy age

Lower House
18 years
Upper House
--- (unicameral)
--- (tbc)

Marriage & Gender

Without parental consent
18 years
18 years
With parental consent
16 years
14 years


Is same-sex marriage legalized?
Partly *
Partly *
Are other genders recognised?

Policy & Legislation

Is there a national youth policy?

TheNational Youth Law (2007) established the Commission for Youth Policies and the National Youth Forumin San Marino. According to the Council of Europe 2013 report on cultural policies and trends in Europe, the Youth Law:

"provides for the creation of opportunities for younger generations in different contexts: in civil society, by promoting active citizenship, respect for diversity, intercultural and inter-religious dialogue, etc.; in the fields of education and training; in terms of access to the labour market, and; in the field of international mobility."

Although the Youth Law's purpose is to promote the development of "policies aimed at favouring the full and free development of the personality of young people", there is no information regarding an existing national youth policy. Lastly, a 2012 report of the Commission for Youth Policies states that despite being responsible for formulating "proposals and opinions on legislative initiatives concerning youth", the Commission's activities have been slowed because the quorum was not reached and thus, the sessions were invalid.

Public Institutions

Is there a governmental authority that is primarily responsible for youth?

The State Secretariat for Education and Culture, University and Scientific Research, Youth Policies, also referred to as the Education Department, is responsible for youth policy. Although there is a subsite titled Youth Policieson the official website of the department, no information regarding youth policy could be found. Other subsites provide education-related information for teachers, families, and students. The State Secretariat for Education and Culture, University and Scientific Research, Youth Policies has a Facebook account, where recent events and activities of the State Secretariat are posted.

Youth & Representation

Does the country have a national youth organization or association?

The Commission for Youth Policies and the National Youth Forum (no active website could be found) were established by the National Youth Law (2007). According to a San Marino statute, the Youth Forum is an advisory body to the State Congress and the Great and General Council. All residents aged 15-32 can become members of the Youth Forum, which aims to

"put youth issues at the centre of political choices, develop in young people a sense of belonging to their community, promote and support young people's projects and aims to be a stimulus, support and connection with all this concerning the world of youth."

The Youth Forum consists of an Assembly, a Steering Committee, and a President. The Statute asserts that the Forum's entire electoral body can elect years two members (of at least 18 years of age) every five to represent the Forum at the Commission for Youth Policies. According to the National Youth Law, the Commission advises the Great and General Council and has numerous functions including:

  1. Formulating proposals and expressed opinions on legislative initiatives regarding youth policies;
  2. Making proposals to the competent bodies for the improvement of the legislation in force ;
  3. Promoting interventions aimed at expanding the possibilities of access of young people to work and increasing their training opportunities and socio-professional development.

Youth work

Is youth work a formally recognised profession?

No information regarding youth work or youth work organisations could be found. Furthermore, the National Youth Law (2007) does not mention a definition of youth work nor the professionalisation of youth work.

Budget & Spending

Does the national youth policy have a dedicated budget?

The State Secretariat for Education and Culture, University and Scientific Research, Youth Policies (also referred to as the Education Department) is responsible for youth policies.

According to the 2021 Forecast Financial Statements and 2021/2023 Long-Term Financial Statements, the expenditure for the Education Department amounts to EUR 48.5 million (USD 52.5 million) for 2021. In addition, there are 338,300 EUR (408,400 USD) capital expenditures. The Education Department's annual budget forecast for 2022 and 2023 is approximately EUR 48.6 million (USD 52.6 million) for both years. However, no information on a separate budget for youth activities could be found.

Contextual Figures

Liberal Democracy Index
Youth Progress Index

Economic Indicators

GDP per capita
Human Development Index
Gini coefficient

Additional background

According to the Statistical economic report to the 2021 state budget, youth unemployment is decreasing.

"With the international crisis of recent times, the topic of youth unemployment has assumed more and more importance. Young people have always been one of the most popular categories vulnerable and their condition in the labor market is the first critical factor of the whole employment system.

However, in San Marino both the total youth unemployment rate and the unemployment rate in the strict sense have steadily decreased over the last five years and this is confirmed by the fact that the number of unemployed in the strict sense in the age group up to 24 years has gone from 268 in 2014 to 192 in 2019. The data for September 2020 confirm the positive trend for young people within the labor market, in fact, the youth unemployment rate has decreased, both in terms of total unemployment and in the strict sense."

A 2022 article by Libertas details the efforts made by the Commission for Youth Policies in raising awareness of AIDS prevention. Daniel Amici, the President of the Commission, explains how:

"it is necessary to push further to promote awareness campaigns with respect to this topic which is still today perceived by a large part of the population as a secondary "risk".Particular attention goes to the very young who sometimes ignore the existence of the disease and what are the ways in which it comes into contact."


See all sources (4)


  • Update 27.07.2024: