Welcome to the world's most extensive knowledge base on youth policies and young people.
Did you know that in Norway everyone older than 15 is criminally liable?
18 years
15 years
Youth-led research is a term to describe participatory research processes and projects that young people design, carry out, interpret and disseminate themselves. It allows young people to take the lead and decide what data to collect and how to analyse and interpret that data.
Youth-led research does not yet have an agreed definition, but it has some key features: it is characterised by participatory research processes, that means young people design, carry out, analyse, interpret and disseminate the research themselves.
Youth-led research draws on a variety of research methods, but does not follow one specific approach or mindset. It rather embraces the freedom to experiment, based on the curiosity and research interests of young people.
We analyse current events and trends in the youth field, and give the youth sector a platform to make its voice heard.
Our online library has thousands of documents for your research, paper, or personal interest.
Since 2010 we have been providing open data on young people and youth policies, undertaking our own research to strengthen the knowledge base of the youth field, and collaborating with governments, institutions, networks and organisations to improve their youth policies.